all Zweiradler Tours

Days 146–155Kemer – Taşucu

FAQ: Longtime Travel Bureaucracy Part 1 (Unemployment)

Ups and Downs in the Taurus Mountains

Published on 11.12.2022, 15:09 in Bogazi, Northern Cyprus

Day 120
Day 147
Day 148
Day 149
Day 150
Day 151
Day 152
Day 153
Day 154
Day 155

This report’s podcast is only available in german:  Höhen und Tiefen im Taurusgebirge.

On our (for now) last stretch through Turkey, things will be varied once again. After Antalya and two boring days along huge hotel complexes, we finally turn off the coast near Alanya and venture into the Taurus Mountains at the end of November instead. There, a completely different world awaits us than before on the coast: At an altitude of up to 1700 meters, everything now looks and feels like dreary winter, so that we finally unpack our thick clothes but still freeze in the morning. The route is however rewarding with, among other things, an old, crumbling pass road through spectacular rock formations, views of snowy peaks and landscapes reminiscent of U.S. National Parks. The villages look like they have stepped back in time and as a traveler, you are again a rarity and are showered with invitations for tea, coffee and food from Turkish hospitality. After the five-day mountain trip we return to the coast, where we say goodbye for the time being from Turkey and enter the ferry to Northern Cyprus. As promised, we now go in detail about dogs and how to safely pass them as a cyclist.

We always appreciate your critisism, praise and other suggestions or hints and invite you to send us them via!

We are going to get on our bicycles once again and further collect kilometers :-)

See you again soon!

Zweiradler Tours: Central Asia Tour


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